Taking notes in a meeting

This topic can be controversial, especially in a tradition orientated meeting. There are some members who may try to stop you taking notes in a meeting. It has been mentioned to me, however, I try to protect the anonymity of those meetings.

Here is what I do:

I never use a keyboard to take notes. I always, if I am using an electronic tablet use a stylus. The clicking of keys can be disruptive to others. If using an electronic device, especially as my Big Book, Twelve by Twelve and other literature are found there, I make sure before the meeting starts to disable notifications and sounds on the device. I also make sure that the software I need is open and ready to go. I work hard to not be distracting or disruptive in a meeting.

On paper, the same rules apply. I try to be unobtrusive. I usually set out my pens and hilighters prior to meeting start, and I make sure that my notebook is small enough that I am not physically bothering others while I take notes.

The amount of notes I take depends on the meeting as well. In a standard meeting, maybe a page or two of notes will do. In a study meeting, I’ve sometimes walked out with pages of notes.

What do I write down?

Meeting date and time. I write down the topic of the meeting. I also write down any pages referred to by the members as the meeting progresses. I will write down a small quote during the sharing as well. Another thing I write down are my thoughts on the topic, as the meeting goes on.

For example: The topic is Hope in Recovery. The meeting Date is (today’s date) at (this time)

-> Pages 417 to 420 were read

–> What does this have to do with hope? (my thought)

*The chair person relates the reading to hope, and I paraphrase what the chair person said.

That’s what I do. Sometimes, I will write down the name of the members by what I wrote down, usually I do not unless I am trying to remember the member’s names.

Who reads this notebook? ONLY ME After a notebook is filled up, I will usually re-read my notes, look back at the topics and write about it for a little bit. However, unless it is something I need to question my sponsor about or add to my own daily homework, I usually burn these notebooks.

In the case of electonic tablets, I delete those notebooks.

That’s all I have for now, take care, may your Higher Power be with you in your recovery today.